Olympic Prize Medals : A selection of Olympic prize medals collected and donated by Gordy and Dona Crawford
Olympic Games Munich 1972 Medals

Front: Seated Victory holding laurel wreath and palm branch with Colosseum in the background. Legend to right, "XX Olympiade Munchen 1972."

Back: At center, the Dioscuri twins Castor and Pollux patrons of competitive sport and friendship.

Winner's full name and nationality along with sport engraved on edge.

Ribbon: brass chains plated in gold, silver or bronze dependent on medal
Medals presented in plastic white case lined with white velvet

Designer: Giuseppe Cassioli & Gerhard Marcks (reverse)
Mint: Bavarian Mint, Munich, Germany
Munich 1972
Fun fact(s):
Mark Spitz won seven gold medals with seven world records in swimming at the Munich Games. His record would last 36 years until Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the Olympic Games Beijing 2008.
More Info:
For the first time since the 1928 Olympic Games the organizing committee received the right to modify the design of the winner's medal. The reverse of the medal was changed from jubilant athletes to the Dioscuri twins Castor and Pollux of Greek & Roman mythology.
Click to Enlarge
Front: Munich 1972 gold medal, Victory with Colosseum in backgroundFront: Munich 1972 gold medal, Victory with Colosseum in background
Front: Munich 1972 silver medal, Victory with Colosseum in backgroundFront: Munich 1972 silver medal, Victory with Colosseum in background
Front: Munich 1972 bronze medal, Victory with Colosseum in backgroundFront: Munich 1972 bronze medal, Victory with Colosseum in background
Back: Munich 1972 prize medals, Twins Castor & Pollux in centerBack: Munich 1972 prize medals, Twins Castor & Pollux in center