Olympic Winter Games Lillehammer 1994 Official Torch
Long, birchwood, curved torch with cast aluminum upper blade with five wicks for lighting the torch. "XVII Olympic Winter Games Lilliehammer 1994" and Games emblem in center of blade. The sport pictograms appeared on the burner in copper. 59.8 inches high.
Designer: Andrè Steenbuch Marandon / Paal Christian Kahrs
Manufacturer: Paal J. Kahrs Arkitekter As and Statoil.
Fuel: Paraffin-based fuel. Combustion duration between 30 and 40 minutes.
Long, birchwood, curved torch with cast aluminum upper blade with five wicks for lighting the torch. "XVII Olympic Winter Games Lilliehammer 1994" and Games emblem in center of blade. The sport pictograms appeared on the burner in copper. 59.8 inches high.
Designer: Andrè Steenbuch Marandon / Paal Christian Kahrs
Manufacturer: Paal J. Kahrs Arkitekter As and Statoil.
Fuel: Paraffin-based fuel. Combustion duration between 30 and 40 minutes.
Lillehammer 1994
Fun fact(s):
The birchwood handle on the Lillehammer torch symbolizes traditional Norway while the polished aluminium blade reflects its industrial modernity and technology.
For the first time in Olympic history, the torch was passed between two parachutists, above the German town of Grefrath.
For the first time in Olympic history, the torch was passed between two parachutists, above the German town of Grefrath.
Torch Relay:
Start date: January 16, 1994, Olympia, Greece
End date: February 12, 1994, Lysgardsbakkene Ski Jumping Arena, Lillehammer, Norway
First torchbearer: Unknown
Last torchbearer: Crown Prince Haakon Magnus
Number of torchbearers: 7,000
Relay length: 3,728 miles
End date: February 12, 1994, Lysgardsbakkene Ski Jumping Arena, Lillehammer, Norway
First torchbearer: Unknown
Last torchbearer: Crown Prince Haakon Magnus
Number of torchbearers: 7,000
Relay length: 3,728 miles