Olympic Torches : A selection of Olympic torches collected and donated by Gordy and Dona Crawford
Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official Torch

Aluminum alloy torch with "XII Olympische Winterspiele Innsbruck 1976" in black on the outer rim of flange. Two sets of welded Olympic rings fitted to the hexagonal shaft with eight holes at top to allow for combustion. From the flange upward is a curved metal piece extending to the rings. This piece is meant to represent a ski jump run. Base of handle "Ein Präsent Der Vereinigte Metallwerke Ranshofen-Bernorf A. G." 30 inches high.

Designer: Vereinigte Metallwerke Ranshofen

Fuel: Unknown
Innsbruck 1976
Fun fact(s):
To allow as many people as possible to see the Innsbruck Olympic flame during the relay, it was transported over 932 miles on the roof of a car fitted with a specially designed glass dome.
Torch Relay:
Start date: January 30, 1976, Olympia, Greece
End date: February 4, 1976, Bergisel Stadium, Innsbruck, Austria
First torchbearer: Spyros Tzavaras
Last torchbearer: Christl Haas and Josef Feistmantl
Relay length: 1005 miles
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Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official TorchOlympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official Torch
Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official TorchOlympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official Torch
Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official TorchOlympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official Torch
Olympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official TorchOlympic Winter Games Innsbruck 1976 Official Torch