Olympic Torches : A selection of Olympic torches collected and donated by Gordy and Dona Crawford
Olympic Games Rome 1960 Official Torch

Bronzed aluminium torch with vertical, slender grooves running up the torch from a wide ring separating body of torch from handle. "Giochi della XVII Olympiade" with Olympic rings engraved on wide ring. 15.6 inches high.

Designer: Pier Luigi Nervi and Amedeo Maiuri
Manufacturer: Curtisa

Fuel: Capsule of resinous material.
Rome 1960
Fun fact(s):
The designer for the Rome 1960 torch, Amedeo Maiuri, was an archaeologist famous for his studies of the Roman site of Pompeii. His design was inspired by drawings of torches on Etruscan ceramics and evident on ancient monuments.
Torch Relay:
Start date: August 12, 1960, Olympia, Greece
End date: August 25, 1960, Olympic Stadium, Rome, Italy
First torchbearer: Takis Epitropoulos
Last torchbearer: Giancarlo Peris
Number of torchbearers: 1,529
Relay Length: 1,157.6 miles
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Olympic Games Rome 1960 Official TorchOlympic Games Rome 1960 Official Torch
Olympic Games Rome 1960 Official TorchOlympic Games Rome 1960 Official Torch
Olympic Games Rome 1960 Official TorchOlympic Games Rome 1960 Official Torch
Olympic Games Rome 1960 Official TorchOlympic Games Rome 1960 Official Torch