Olympic Torches : A selection of Olympic torches collected and donated by Gordy and Dona Crawford
Olympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official Torch

Copper torch with long narrow combustion chamber inside crenellated upper section. Red felt encircles center of handle. Grenoble emblem of the Games on upper section in silver-colored bronze alloy three times. Torch handle ends in a silvered tear drop shape. 30 inches high.

Designer: Unknown
Manufacturer: Technical Company of Industrial Equipment & Supplies

Flame: Propane gas. Combustion duration over two hours.
Grenoble 1968
Fun fact(s):
A microphone was placed on the chest of Alain Calmat, the last relay runner for the Grenoble 1968 relay. Calmat's heartbeat could be heard throughout the stadium as he climbed the steps to the Olympic cauldron.
Torch Relay:
Start date: December 16, 1967, Olympia, Greece
End date: February 6, 1968, Opening Stadium, Grenoble, France
First torchbearer: Tassos Bahouros
Last torchbearer: Alain Calmat
Number of torchbearers: approximately 5,000 in France
Relay length: 4487.5 miles in France
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Olympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official TorchOlympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official Torch
Olympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official TorchOlympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official Torch
Olympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official TorchOlympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official Torch
Olympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official TorchOlympic Winter Games Grenoble 1968 Official Torch