Olympic Torches : A selection of Olympic torches collected and donated by Gordy and Dona Crawford
Olympic Games Sydney 2000 Official Torch

Curved blue and white stainless steel and aluminum torch of three layers consisting of polished stainless steel, anodized aluminum and coated aluminum. White outer layer made of treated aluminum with Sydney Games emblem on each side. Blue middle layer made of anodized aluminum and contains fuel reservoir. Inside layer constructed of stainless steel and contains the fuel system. 28.4 inches high.

Designer: Robert Jurgens / Blue Sky Design
Manufacturer: GA & Harrington Pty Ltd.

Fuel: 35 percent propane and percent butane. Combustion duration is 20 minutes.
Sydney 2000
Fun fact(s):
The design of the Olympic torch reflected three famed aspects of Australian culture: the boomerang, the Sydney Opera House, and the waters of the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. The concept also reflected the elements of earth, fire, and water.
Torch Relay:
Start date: May 10, 2000, Olympia, Greece
End date: September 15, 2000, Olympic Stadium Sydney, Australia
First Torchbearer: Lambros Papakostas
Last Torchbearer: Cathy Freeman
Number of Torchbearers: 17,400
Relay length: 28394 miles
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Olympic Games Sydney 2000 Official TorchOlympic Games Sydney 2000 Official Torch
Olympic Games Sydney 2000 Official TorchOlympic Games Sydney 2000 Official Torch
Olympic Games Sydney 2000 Official TorchOlympic Games Sydney 2000 Official Torch
Olympic Games Sydney 2000 Official TorchOlympic Games Sydney 2000 Official Torch