Olympic Torches : A selection of Olympic torches collected and donated by Gordy and Dona Crawford
Olympic Games Moscow 1980 Official Torch

White aluminum handle with small brass colored base. "Moscow Olympic Games 1980" in Russian language printed in red along shaft with a brass colored protective screen and Olympic Games Moscow 1980 emblem below inscription. Top of torch is brass-colored concentric circles around the burner. 22.2 inches high.

Designer: Valentin Ljubman and Boris Tuchin.
Manufacturer: Klimov Aircraft Engine Factory and the Ministry of Aircraft Production

Fuel: Mixture of propane and butane. Combustion duration eight to ten minutes.
Moscow 1980
Fun fact(s):
The Moscow Olympic torch represents a comet with the colors of the four seasons: white for autumn and winter, and gold representing spring and summer.
Torch Relay:
Relay Start: June 19, 1980, Olympia, Greece
Relay End: July 19, 1980, Grand Arena of the Central Lenin Stadium, Moscow, Soviet Union
First torchbearer: Thanassis Kosmopoulos
Last torcherbearer: Sergei Belov
Number of torchbearers: 5,435
Relay Length: 3,107 miles
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Olympic Games Moscow 1980 Official TorchOlympic Games Moscow 1980 Official Torch
Olympic Games Moscow 1980 Official TorchOlympic Games Moscow 1980 Official Torch
Olympic Games Moscow 1980 Official TorchOlympic Games Moscow 1980 Official Torch
Olympic Games Moscow 1980 Official TorchOlympic Games Moscow 1980 Official Torch