Olympic Winter Games Calgary 1988 Medals
Front: Combined profiles of laureated athlete and Native American Chief with symbollic headdress. Headdress created out of winter sports equipment - ski and ski poles, bobsled, ice skate, luge and biathlon rifle.
Back: Calgary Olympic emblem of a stylized snowflake design encircled by legend, "XVes Jeux Olympiques d'hiver XV Olympic Winter Games Calgary 1988.
Name of sport in French and English on medal edge.
Ribbon: Grosgrain ribbon of cyan,red, blue, red and cyan.
Medal presented in a black velvet case.
Designer: Friedrich Peter
Mint: Jostens, Inc., Toronto, Canada
Front: Combined profiles of laureated athlete and Native American Chief with symbollic headdress. Headdress created out of winter sports equipment - ski and ski poles, bobsled, ice skate, luge and biathlon rifle.
Back: Calgary Olympic emblem of a stylized snowflake design encircled by legend, "XVes Jeux Olympiques d'hiver XV Olympic Winter Games Calgary 1988.
Name of sport in French and English on medal edge.
Ribbon: Grosgrain ribbon of cyan,red, blue, red and cyan.
Medal presented in a black velvet case.
Designer: Friedrich Peter
Mint: Jostens, Inc., Toronto, Canada
Calgary 1988
Fun fact(s):
Bonnie Blair, set a new world record in the women's 500-meter speedskating event, winning her first gold medal of her career. Blair is the only woman to win the 500 three times in a row - 1988, 1992 and 1994. Blair would win a total of five gold medals and one bronze medal between 1988 and1994.
More Info:
The stylized snowflake Olympic emblem of the Calgary Olympic Winter Games appeared on the reverse of the medals. It was created from five interlocking C's that also form a stylized maple leaf indicative of Canada and represented the Winter Games theme of "Coming Together In Calgary."